1. Adams, William Hampton 1977 Silcott, Washington: Ethnoarchaeology of a Rural American Community. Washington State University, Laboratory of Anthropology, Reports of Investigations 54. Pullman.
2. 2003 Dating Historical Sites: The Importance of Understanding Time Lag in the Acquisition, Curation, and Use of Artifacts. Historical Archaeology, in press.
3. Adams, William Hampton (editor) 1980 Waverly Plantation: Ethnoarchaeology of a Tenant Farming Community. National Technical Information Service, Washington, DC.
4. Adams, William Hampton, Linda P. Gaw, and Frank C. Leonhardy 1975 Archaeological Excavations at Silcott, Washington: The Data Inventory. Washington State University, Laboratory of Anthropology, Reports of Investigations 53. Pullman.
5. Adams, William Hampton, Steven D. Smith, David F. Barton, Timothy B. Riordan, and Stephen Poyser 1981 Bay Springs Mill: Historical Archaeology of a Rural Mississippi Cotton Milling Community. National Technical Information Service, Washington, DC.