1. Nigel Calder.The Weather Machine. The Viking Press. New York. p 144, 1974.
2. John M Wallace and Peter Hobbs.A tmospheric Sciences: An Introductory Survey. Academic Press. San Diego, California. p 467, 1977.
3. Richard A Anthes, John J Cahir, A B Fraser and Hans A Panofsky.The Atmosphere. (Third Edition) Charles E Merrill Publishing Company. Colombia, Toronto, London, Sydney. p 532, 1981.
4. A Miller, J C Thompson, R E Petterson and D R Harayau.Elements of Meteorology. Charles E Merrill Publishing Company. Colombia, Toronto, London, Sydney. p 417, 1983.
5. J P Peixoto and A H Oort.Physics of Climate. American Institute of Physics. p 520,1992.