1. American Society for Metals. Metals Handbook, 8th ed., 1961.
2. American Society for Testing and Materials. Standard recommended practice for experimental testing for biological compatibility of metals for surgical implants. ANSI/ASTM F 361-72. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, 1978, Philadelphia, pp. 148?150.
3. American Society for Testing and Materials. Standard recommended practice for surface preparation and marking of metallic surgical implants. ANSI/ASTM F 86-76. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, 1978, Philadelphia, pp. 13?14.
4. American Society for Testing and Materials. Standard specifications for stainless steel bar and wire for surgical implants. ANSI/ASTM F 55-76. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, 1978, Philadelphia, pp. 1?4.
5. Dujovny, M., Kossovsky, N., Kossowsky, R., Haines, S., Maroon, J. C., Heifetz clip failure ? a metallurgical study. J. Neurosurg.50 (1979), 368?373.