1. A. Colmerauer. An introduction to Prolog III. Commun. ACM, 33(7), July 1990.
2. H. Comon. Disunification: a survey. In J.-L. Lassez and G. Plotkin, editors, Computational Logic: Essays in Honor of Alan Robinson. MIT Press, 1991.
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4. M. Dincbas, P. V. Hentenryck, H. Simonis, A. Aggoun, T. Graf, and F.Berthier. The constraint logic programming language CHIP. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Fifth Generation Computer Systems FGCS-88, pages 693–702, 1988.
5. M. Fernández. Narrowing based procedures for equational disunification. Applicable Algebra in Engineering Communication and Computing, 3:1–26, 1992.