1. M. R. Andrew, W. J. Gressler and J. K. Johnson, ?Hydrazine-air Fuel Cell Power Systems. Performance forecast of selected static energy conversion devices?. 29th Meeting of AGARD Propulsion and Energetics Panel, Liege, 1967.
2. J. K. Johnson, ?Low-Power-Consumption Auxiliaries for Fuel-Cell Power Systems?. Paper presented at the Seventh International Power Sources Symposium, Brighton, September 1970.
3. K. R. Williams, M. R. Andrew and J. K. Johnson, ?Liquid Fuel/Air Fuel-Cell Power Systems?, SAE Paper 700022, 1970
4. ?Handbook of Fuel Cell Technology?, Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N. J. (1968), pp. 405?6,460, 463.
5. Ibid., p. 569.