1. E. J. Angelo,Electronic Circuits, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1964.
2. E. J. Angelo,Electronics: BJT's, FET's and Microcircuits, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1969.
3. S. C. Dutta Roy, On some three terminal lumped and distributed RC null networks,IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory, vol. CT-11, 98?103, March 1964.
4. S. C. Dutta Roy, A quick method for analyzing parallel networks,Internat. J. Elect. Engnrg. Educ., vol. 13, 70?75, January 1976.
5. S. C. Dutta Roy, Analysis of a high-frequency transistor stage,Students J., Inst. Electron. Telecommun. Engrs., vol. 29, 5?7, January 1988.