1. Annual report of the Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station 1952: 1?64 (p. 5). Processed.
2. Climatological Data. Colorado 1952. U. S. Weather Bur. Annual summaries. Denver.
3. Dahl, Eilif, 1957 ? Rondane mountain vegetation in south Norway and its relation to the environment. Det Norske Vid. Akad. Skr. Mat. Naturv. Klasse, 1956. 374 pp.
4. Dahl, Eilif, and E. Hada?, 1941 ? Strandgesellschaften de Insel Ostöy im Oslofjord. Nyti Mag. Naturvid. 82, 251?312.
5. Davis, W. M., 1911 ? The Colorado Front Range. Am. Asso. Amer. Geog. 1, 21?83.