1. Alon, A. and Kugler, J. [Eds.] (1989) [Plants and Animals of the Land of Israel — an Illustrated Encyclopedia.] Vol. 3, Ministry of Defence / The Publishing House, Society for Protection of Nature, Israel (in Hebrew).
2. Avidov, Z. and Harpaz, I. (1969) Plant Pests of Israel. Israel Universities Press, Jerusalem.
3. Ben-Ze’ev, I. (1980) Systematics of Entomopathogenic Fungi of the ‘Sphaerosperma Group’ (Zygomycetes: Entomophthoraceae) and Their Prospects for Use in Biological Pest Control. Ph.D. thesis. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Agriculture, Rehovot, Israel (Hebrew, with English summary).
4. Ben-Ze’ev, I.S. (1992) Records of theEntomophthora muscae complex in Israel: comparison with records from three other continents.Soc. Invert. Pathol. 25th Anna. Meet. 1992:114.
5. Ben-Ze’ev, I.S. and Jaques, R.P. (1990) Entomopathogenic fungi in insects in alfalfa fields in southwestern Ontario.Proc. Ent. Soc. Ont. 121:71–78.