1. M. KESSLER, Liquid Scintillation Analysis, Packard Instrument Co. Publication No. 169-3052, 1989.
2. W. MCDOWELL, Radioactivity and Radiochemistry, 3 (1992) 26.
3. LOWRY ENGINEERING, INC., Optimization of Methods for Analyzing Radionuclides in Drinking Water, American Water Works Association Research Foundation, 1992.
4. K. BROWN, C. COLEMAN, D. CROUSE, J. DENIS, J. MOORE, AECD No. 4142, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Document No. 1734, Category: Chemistry-General, Contract No. W-7450-eng-26, June 9, 1954.
5. W. J. MCDOWELL, Nat. Academy of Sciences Nuclear Science Series, NAS-NS-3116 (DE86007601), Office of Scientific and Technical Information, U.S. Dept. of Energy, 1986.