1. Arjona, R. (2019). Erik H. Erikson’s Young Man Luther: A classic revisited, again. Pastoral Psychology, 68, 591–603.
2. Bakan, D. (1966). The duality of human existence: Isolation and communion in Western man. Boston: Beacon.
3. Baldwin, J. (2001). Here be dragons. In R. P. Byrd & B. Guy-Sheftall (Eds.), Traps: African American men on gender and sexuality (pp. 207–218). Bloomington: Indiana University Press. (Original work published 1985).
4. Bellows, G. (1907a). Forty-two kids [Painting]. Washington: National Gallery of Art.
5. Bellows, G. (1907b). Club night [Painting]. Washington: National Gallery of Art.