1. Anonymous 2001. Technical Reference – Filter Types, Whatman International Ltd., available at: http://www.whatman.com/tech_support/archives/tech_archives_002.html
2. ASTM STANDARD D1795-96 1996, reapproved 2001. Standard Test Method for Intrinsic Viscosity of Cellulose
3. ASTM STANDARD D6819-02e2 2002. Standard Test Method for Accelerated Temperature Aging of Printing and Writing Paper by Dry Oven Exposure Apparatus
4. Barański A., Dziembaj R., Konieczna A., Kowalski A., Łagan J.M. and Proniewicz L. 2000. Methodology of Kinetic Investigation of Cellulose Degradation, III Congress of Chemical Technology, GliwicePoland 5-8 October 2000; “TECHNOLOGIA CHEMICZNA NA PRZEŁOMIE WIEKÓW”, Wydawnictwo Stałego Komitetu Kongresów Technologii Chemicznej (Chemical Technology Between Centuries, A Publication of the Permanent Committee of Chemical Technology Congress), Gliwicep, 441–450. Full text of paper in PDF format at: http://www.chemia.uj.edu.pl~/kp/deg_kinetics .pdf