Bibliography section


Bujdosó E.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Spectroscopy,Pollution,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging,Nuclear Energy and Engineering,Analytical Chemistry

Reference94 articles.

1. ADILBISH, M. A., VINEL', G. V., KOVALEV, A. S., KOVACH, Z., NOVGORODOV, A. F., FOMINYKH, V. I., FOMINUKH, M. I. (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSSR). Lab of Nuclear Problems): Express processing of gamma spectra in radiochemical investigations by Minsk-2 electronic computer using EhPOS-1 program. (In Russian). JINR-6-10892, 1977, 14 p., see also INIS Atomindex 9 (1978) RN 413634.

2. ALESHIN, G. N., VARLACHEV, V. A., VOLEGZHANIN, V. I., GLUSHOV, G. G.: Determination of microelements in petroleums and their components by neutron activation analysis. (In Russian). AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. Inst. Geologii i Geofiziki. Nuclear geophysics in geology. Collection of papers. Novosibirsk. SO AN SSSR. Inst. Geologii i Geofiziki, 1975, p. 45–53, see also INIS Atomindex 9 (1978) RN 414375.

3. ALFASSI, Z. B. (Ben-Gurion Univ. of the Negev, Beersheba (Israel). Dept. of Nuclear Engineering): BIRAM-IZAK, T., NOTHMAN, R., MANTEL, M. (Israel Atomic Energy Commission, Yavne, Soreq Nuclear Research Center): Elimination of beta ray interference in neutron activation followed by X-ray spectrometry. Israel Nuclear Society, Yavne; Israel Health Physics Society; Radiation Research Society of Israel; Israel Society of Medical Physics; Israel Society of Nuclear Medicine. Transactions of the Nuclear Societies of Israel, v.5, Joint annual meeting 1977, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa. Department of Nuclear Engineering. Dec 4–5, 1977. INIS-mf-4052, 1977, p. 191–194. In summary form only, see also INIS Atomindex 9 (1978) RN 413638.

4. ALLEN, R. O., STEINNES, E. (Inst. for Atomenergi, Kjeller (Norway)): The determination of vanadium in geological materials by activation analysis with pre-irradiation separation. Anal. Chim. Acta. ISSN 0003-2670 (1 Sep 1978). v. 100, p. 95–100, see also INIS Atomindex 10 (1979) RN 425416.

5. ANDREEV, V. K., BARENBAUM, A. A., EGIAZAROV, B. G., SHASHKIN, V. L., YAKUBSON, K. I.: Neutron activation analysis of rocks for gold under conditions of natural bedding. (In Russian). Soyuznyj Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. Priborostroeniya. Moscow (USSSR). Nuclear instrument making. Yadernoe priborostroenie. 1977, p. 107–111. Voprosy atomnoj nauki i tekhniki, No. 34-35. Available from the State Public Scientific and technical Library, Moscow, USSR, see also INIS Atomindex 9 (1978) RN 413642.







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