1. Dunbar H:Emotions and Bodily Changes: A Survey of Literature on Psychosomatic Interrelationships: 1910?1933. New York, Columbia University Press, 1935, for the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, p 80.
2. Dunbar H:Emotions and Bodily Changes: A Survey of Literature on Psychosomatic Interrelationships: 1910?1938 2nd ed. New York, Columbia University Press, 1938.
3. Dunbar F:Emotions and Bodily Changes: A Survey of Literature on Psychosomatic Interrelationships: 1910?1945 3rd ed. New York, Columbia University Press, 1946.
4. Dunbar F:Emotions and Bodily Changes: A Survey of Literature on Psychosomatic Interrelationships: 1910?1953 4th ed. New York, Columbia University Press, 1954.
5. Dunbar F:Psychosomatic Diagnosis. New York, Paul B Hoeber, 1943, p 5.