1. F. E. Browder,Nonlinear functional analysis and nonlinear integral equations of Hammerstein and Urysohn type, Contributions to Nonlinear Functional Analysis (Ed.E. H. Zarantonello), Academic Press (1971), pp. 425–500.
2. L. Cesari,Functional analysis and periodic solutions of nonlinear differential equations, Contributions to Differential Equations, Wiley,1 (1963), pp. 149–187.
3. L. Cesari,Functional analysis and Galerkin's method, Mich. Math. J.,11 (1964), pp. 385–414.
4. L. Cesari,Existence theorems for periodic solutions of nonlinear Lipschitzian differential systems and fixed point theorems, Contributions to the Theory of Nonlinear Oscillations,5 (1960), pp. 115–172 (Ann. Math. Studies, Princeton, no. 45).
5. L. Cesari,Alternative methods in nonlinear analysis, International Conference on Differential Equations, Los Angeles (1974), pp. 95–148.