1. Abadi, M., Barham, P., Chen, J., Chen, Z., Davis, A., Dean, J., Devin, M., Ghemawat, S., Irving, G., Isard, M., Kudlur, M., Levenberg, J., Monga, R., Moore, S., Murray, D.G., Steiner, B., Tucker, P., Vasudevan, V., Warden, P., Wicke, M., Yu, Y., Zheng, X.: TensorFlow: a system for large-scale machine learning. In: Proceedings of 12th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI’16) (2016)
2. TensorFlow: An end-to-end open source machine learning platform. Available at https://www.tensorflow.org/
3. PyTorch: An open source machine learning framework that accelerates the path from research prototyping to production deployment. Available at https://pytorch.org/
4. The Apache Hadoop project: open-source software for reliable, scalable, distributed computing. Available at http://hadoop.apache.org/
5. Dean, J., Corrado, G.S., Monga, R., Chen, K., Devin, M., Le, Q.V., Mao, M.Z., Ranzato, M., Senior, A., Tucker, P., Yang, K., Ng, A.Y.: Large scale distributed deep networks. In: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS’12) (2012)