1. Aros (2013) Main electricity consumers at Aros Electronics AB. 2013. Aros Electronics AB, Mölndal, Sweden. (Data chart for the electricity use of the five most electricity consuming units during Q1-Q4 2012, at Aros Electronics AB)
2. Aros (2014a) Avfallsartikelnr med intäktspriser. September 3, 2014. Aros Electronics AB, Mölndal, Sweden (Definition of waste catagories to be sent off to different treatment facitilities)
3. Aros (2014b) Elförbrukning 2014 exkluderat fjärrvärme. 28 August, 2014. Aros Electronics AB, Mölndal, Sweden. (Monthly summary chart of electricity consumption at Aros Electronics AB, Q1-Q3)
4. Aros (2014c) Main electricity consumers at Aros Electronics AB. 2014. Aros Electronics AB, Mölndal, Sweden. (Data chart for the electricity use of the five most electricity consuming units during Q1-Q2 2014, at Aros Electronics AB)
5. Aros (2014d) Nitrogen - Mängdberäkning. 2014. Aros Electronics AB, Mölndal, Sweden. (Data chart for the conversion of nitrogen use between different units and liquid nitrogen purchase data for 2013)