1. Atherton J et al (2007) Declaration by the metals industry on recycling principles. Int J Life Cycle Assess 12(1):59–60
2. BSI British Standards Institute (2008) PAS 2050”Specification for the measurement of the embodied greenhouse gas emissions of products and services” on Carbon footprinting. And: BSI British Standards (with DEFRA and Carbon Trust) (2008). Guide to PAS 2050 - How to assess the carbon footprint of goods and services. ISBN 978-0-580-64636-2
3. Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2014) www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org
4. European Commission (2010) European platform on LCA http://eplca.jrc.ec.europa.eu/
5. European Commission (2013) Product environmental footprint, http://ec.europa.eu/environment/eussd/smgp/product_footprint.htm