1. 50CRA: Craighead, C.M, Simmons, O.W. and Eastwood, L.W., “Titanium Binary Alloys”Trans. AIME, 188, 485 (1950).
2. 51MCQ: McQuillan, A.D., “The Effect of the Elements of the First Long Period on the α−β Transformation in Ti”J. Inst. Met., 80, 363 (1951).
3. 52ADE: Adenstedt, H.K., Pequignot, J.R. and Raymer, J.M., “The Titanium-Vanadium System”Trans. AMS, 44, 990 (1952).
4. 52PIE: Pietrokowsky, P. and Duwez, P., “Partial Titanium-Vanadium Phase”Trans. AIME, 194, 627 (1952).
5. 52POW: Powers, R.M. and Wilhelm, H.A., Ames Laboratory ISC-228, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Publication, September (1952); quoted from WADC Technical Report 54-502, September, 42 (1954).