1. P. Duncumb andP. K. Shields, inT. D. McKinley, K. F. J. Heinrich, andD. B. Wittry (eds.), The Electron Microprobe. New York: Wiley. 1966. p. 284.
2. M. Green, inH. Pattee, V. Cosslett, andA. Engstrom (eds.), X-ray Optics and X-ray Microanalysis. New York: Academic Press. 1963. p. 361.
3. J. Philibert, l. c.2in, p. 379.
4. C. A. Andersen andD. B. Wittry, in paper presented at the Groupement pour l'Avancement des Methodes Spectroscopiques (G. A. M. S.) Conference in Paris, France, June 8, 1966.
5. K. F. J. Heinrich, to be published in Advances in X-ray Analysis, Vol. 11. New York: Plenum Press.