1. de Acosta, A. (1970). Existence and convergence of probability measures in Banach spaces. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 152, 273–298.
2. de Acosta, A. (1979). Exponential moments of vector valued random series and triangular arrays. Ann. Probability.
3. de Acosta, A. (1979). On the general converse CLT in Banach spaces. Probabilityin Banach spaces II, Lect. Notes in Math. 709, 1–8.
4. de Acosta, A. (1979). Strong exponential integrability of sums of independent B-valued random vectors. Probability and Math. Stat., to appear.
5. de Acosta, A.; Araujo, A.; Giné, E. (1978). Poisson measures, Gaussian measures and the central limit theorem in Banach spaces. Advances in Probability, Vol IV, 1–68. (Kuelbs ed.) Dekker, New York.