1. J. W. S. Rayleigh,The Theory of Sound, Vol. I and II (Dover Publications, New York 1877/78).
2. S. Chandrasekhar,Radiative Transfer (Oxford Univ. Press 1950).
3. K. L. Coulson, J. V. Dave, andZ. Sekera,Tables Related to Radiation Emerging from a Planetary Atmosphere with Rayleigh Scattering, (Univ. of Calif. Press 1960).
4. E. de Bary andK. Bullrich,Effects of Higher-Order Scattering in a Molecular Atmosphere, IOSA,54 (1964), 1413.
5. K. Bullrich, (1964):Scattered Radiation in the Atmosphere and Natural Advan. Aerosols, Geophysics10 (1964).