1. V. W. Adams, ?The influence of gas streams and magnetic fields on electric discharges,? Aeronaut. Res. Council Current Papers, no. 743, 1964.
2. L. I. Kolonina and V. Ya. Smolyakov, ?Rotation of electrode segments and properties of an arc column in a plasma generator with vortex gas stabilization,? PMTF [Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics], no. 3, 1965.
3. A. M. Zalesskii, The Electric Deflection Arc [in Russian], Gosenergoizdat, Moscow-Leningrad, 1963.
4. O. L Yas'ko, ?Analysis of electric arc characteristics,? Inzh. -fiz. zh., no. 12, 1964.
5. G. Yu. Daumov and M. F. Zhukov, ?Some generalizations relating to the study of electric arcs,? PMTF, [Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics], no. 2, 1965.