1. A. D. Lutsik, V. V. Birov, and M. D. Lutsik, in: Abstracts of Proceedings of a Conference of Pathological Anatomists of the Lithuanian SSR [in Russian], Kaunas (1984), p. 62.
2. M. D. Lutsik, E. N. Panasyuk, and A. L. Lutsik, Lectins [in Russian], L'vov (1981).
3. M. D. Lutsik, Prikl. Biokhim., No. 4, 454 (1983).
4. M. D. Lutsik, Ukr. Biokhim. Zh., No. 4, 432 (1984).
5. N. S. Migalkin and Yu. M. Ir'yanov, Arkh. Patol., No. 8, 88 (1983).