1. E. P. Plueddemann, in ?SPI 39th Annual Conference?. 4-C (1984).
2. P. C. Yates andJ. W. Trebilcock, in ?Proceedings of the 16th Annual Technical and Management Conference?, Reinforced Plastics Division, SPI, Section 8-B (1961).
3. P. W. Erickson andE. P. Plueddemann, ?Composite Materials?, Vol. 6 (Academic Press, New York, 1974) Ch. 8, p. 1.
4. M. R. Rosen,J. Coatings Tech. 50 (1978) 70.
5. H. Ishida, J. L. Koenig,Polym. Engng Sci. 18 (1978) 128.