1. Shull, L. C., “The Stability of Open-faced Strain Gages,” presented at the 1970 SESA Spring Meeting, Huntsville, Alabama (May 1970).
2. Dittbenner, G. R., “The Application of Strip Strain Gages for Measuring Residual Stresses in Beryllium,” Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Rept. UCRL-74078 Preprint (1972); presented at 3rd International Congress on Experimental Mechanics, Los Angeles, California (May 1973).
3. Dykes, B. C., “Strain Measurement at Temperatures From 500 to 1800°F,” Instrument Society of America, Pittsburgh, Pa., ISA Preprint No. 16.9-1-66.
4. Fairbairn, J., “Creep Strain Measurements by Foil Gages on Aluminum Alloys at 150°C to 210°C,”
Strain,9 (4), (Oct.
1974). 0725 0738 V 3