1. Borch, K.: 1975, ?Probabilities of probabilities?, Theory and Decision 6 pp. 155?159.
2. De Finetti, B.: 1971, ?Probabilita di una teoria e probabilita del fatti?, In: Studii di Probabilita in Onore di G. Pompilj. ed. by G. Gubbio, pp. 86?106.
3. De Finetti, B.: 1974, ?Bayesianism: Its unifying role for both the foundations and the applications of statistics?, International Statistical Review 42, pp. 117?130.
4. De Finetti, B.: 1977a, ?Probabilities of probabilities: A real problem or a misunderstanding??, in: New Developments in the Applications of Bayesian Methods, ed. by A. Aykac and C. Brumat (North-Holland, Amsterdam), pp. 1?10.
5. De Finetti, B.: 1977b, ?Probability: Beware of falsifications!?, In the same book as above, pp. 347?379.