1. M. ROMANOWSKI: “Theory of Random Errors in Observations and the Influence of Modulation on Their Distribution”. Verlag Konrad Wittwer, Stuttgart, 1979. (b) M. ROMANOWSKI: Preliminary, but now superseded, articles were published in Bulletin Géodésique Vol. 73—1964, Vol. 76—1965, Vol. 78—1965, Vol. 98—1970, and Vol. 104—1972.
2. N.T. GRIDGEMAN: Technometrics, Vol. 12, No. 4, p. 823 (1970).
3. G.H.L. HAGEN: “Grundzüge der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung.” Berlin (1837), Second edition 1867.
4. M. ROMANOWSKI and E. GREEN: Technical memorandum, Legal Metrology Branch, Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs, Ottawa (Ont.) Canada K1A 0C9. This memorandum is based exclusively on the normal distribution and treats the problem of meters by means of the analysis of variance.
5. M. ROMANOWSKI and R.L. ISAACS: „Progress Report on the present state of the analysis of MND”. NRC-14135, July 1974. Contains a full treatment of trichotomy and analyses various other analytical problems related to MND. Extends the concept of modulation to functions other than normal. Obtainable from the authors at NRC, Division of Physics, Ottawa, (Ont.), Canada, K1A 0R6.