1. M. S. Plesset, “Cathodic protection in cavitation damage,” Trans. ASME, Series D, J 82, No. 4, 808 (1960).
2. I. N. Bogachev and R. I. Mints, “Improving cavitation erosion resistance of machine details,” Mashinostroenie (1964).
3. W. C. Leit and A. L. Thompson, “Some corrosion effects in accelerated cavitation damage,” Trans. ASME, Series D, J 82, No. 4, 795 (1960).
4. G. Petracchi, “Interpretation of the cavitation corrosion process,” La Metallurgia Italiana (1949).
5. A. A. Vysotskii, V. I. Vinogradov, Yu. E. Zobychev, and A. V. Puchkin, “Corrosion protection of cooling cavities on internal combustion marine engines,” Inf. soobshchenie TsNIIMF, No. 87 (1962).