1. Eighty-eighth Congress: Public Law 88-164, S.1576. October 31, 1963.
2. Faulkner, L. R., Cutler, D. L., and Middleton, M. H. A participatory planning process for the evaluation of community mental health center.Community Mental Health Journal 19:169?79, 1982.
3. Kane, T. J. Citizen participation in decision making: Myth or strategy.Administration in Mental Health, :29?34, 1975.
4. Kennedy, J. F. Message from the President of the United States relative to mental illness and mental retardation. House of Representatives Document No. 58, Eighty-eighth Congress, First Session, February 5, 1963.
5. Ninety-Fourth Congress: Public Law 94-63, S.66, July 29, 1975.