1. V. Adelskold, A. Sundelin, and A. Westgren: Ztsch. anorg. allgem. Chem. (1933) 212, p. 401.
2. E. J. Sandford and E. M. Trent: Symposium on Powder Metallurgy. Iron and Steel Inst. Special Report 38, (1947) p. 84.
3. E. N. Kislyokova: Zhur, Fiz. Khim. (1943) 17, p. 108.
4. S. Takeda: Technol. Repts. Tohoku Imp. Univ. (1931) 9, pp. 483, 627; and (1931) 10, p. 42.
5. L. L. Wyman and F. C. Kelley: Trans. AIME (1931) 93, p. 208.