1. Beeson, B. Barker: Jean Martin Charcot, A Summary of His Life and Works.Ann. Med. Hist., 1928, x, 126.
2. Cowlishaw, L. : The Life and Works of Sir Charles Bell.Med. Jo. Australia, Nov. 28, 1936, 737.
3. Garrison, F. H.: The Charcot Centenary.Bull. New York Acad. Med., Series 2. 1925, i, 9, 365.
4. Hutchinson, Sir J.: Obituary. John Hughlings Jackson.Brit. Med. Jo. 1911, 2, 950.
5. Hutchinson, Sir J.: Recollections of a Lifelong Friendship.Brit. Med. Jo. 1911, 2, 1551.