1. V. V. Babushkin, Izmer. Tekh., No. 9 (1975).
2. All-Union State Standard (GOST) 8.106-80: ?State System for Ensuring Uniform Measurements (GSI). Special State Standard and All-Union Test Scheme for equipment used in measuring power luminance and radiant intensity of thermal sources with temperatures of 220?900?K.?
3. V. V. Babushkin and I. V. Libova, Izmer. Tekh., No. 6 (1974).
4. I. I. Dolgikh and I. I. Fomenkov, in: Methods and Means for High-Frequency Spectrometric and Radiometric Measurements [in Russian], VNIIM, Leningrad (1980).
5. V. V. Babushkin and I. V. Libova, Izmer. Tekh., No. 3 (1977).