1. A.M. Nevill, Properties of concrete, 3rd edition, The English Language Book society and Pitman Publishing, pp. 48 (1981).
2. H.H. Steinour, Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on the Chemistry of Cement, London, 1952, pp. 261–89.
3. A.M. Neville, J. Amer. Concr. Inst., 55, pp. 963–84 (March 1959).
4. W.J. McCoy and D.L. Eshenour, Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on the Chemistry of Cement, Tokyo, 2, pp. 437–43 (1968).
5. M.H. Wills, ASTM Sp. Tech. Public, No. 169B, pp. 162–79 (1978).