1. M. Folledo andI. Vincze, Some remarks to a paper by E. Csáki and G. Tusnády on the ballot theorem,Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 28 (1976), 177–179.MR 55 # 6514
2. Gy. Hajós, Problem 5,Mat. Lapok 1 (1950), 152–153. (In Hungarian1)
3. Gy. Hajós, Solution of Problem 5,Mat. Lapok 1 (1950), 388–390. (In Hungarian)
4. K. Sarkadi, Solution of Problem 5,Mat. Lapok 1 (1950), 386–387. (In Hungarian)
5. L. Takács,Combinatorial methods in the theory of stochastic processes, Wiley, New York, 1967.MR 36 # 947