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2. Batko, A. (1964) On the new genera:Zoophthora gen. nov.,Triplosporium (Thaxter) gen. nov. andEntomophaga gen. nov. (Phycomycetes: Entomophthoraceae).Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci., Ser. Sci. Biol. 12:323–326.
3. Batko, A. (1964) Some new combinations in the fungus family Entomophthoraceae (Phycomycetes).Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci., Ser. Sci. Biol. 12:403–406.
4. Batko, A. (1966) A new aphidicolous fungus from Poland,Zoophthora phalloides sp. nov. (Entomophthoraceae).Acta Mycol. 2:8–13.
5. Batko, A. (1966) On the subgenera of the fungus genusZoophthora Batko 1964 (Entomophthoraceae).Acta Mycol. 2:15–21.