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2. Andrews, W. B. 1956. Anhydrous ammonia as a nitrogenous fertilizer. Advanc. Agron. 8: 61–125.
3. Barr, H. T. 1952. Anhydrous ammonia equipment. Louisiana Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. 462.
4. Blue, W. G. and C. F. Eno. 1954. Distribution and retention of anhydrous ammonia in sandy soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 18: 420–424.
5. Blue, W. G. and C. F. Eno. 1957. The effect of lime on plant growth and recovery of nitrogen from anhydrous ammonia, urea and ammonium nitrate in acid sandy soils. Soil Crop Sci. Soc., Florida Proc. 17: 255–261.