1. P. J. Burnett andT. F. Page,Proc. Brit. Ceram. Soc. 34 (1984) 65.
2. G. Dearnaley,Mater. Eng. Applic. 1 (1978) 28.
3. S. G. Roberts, PhD thesis, University of Cambridge (1983).
4. S. G. Roberts andT. F. Page, in ?Ion Implantation into Metals", Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Modification of Surface Properties on Materials by Ion Implantation, UMIST, Manchester, UK June 1981, edited by V. Ashworth, W. S. Grant and R. Procter (Pergamon Press, London, 1982) p. 135.
5. N. W. Jepps andT. F. Page,J. Cryst. Growth 7 (1983) 259.