1. H. A. Davies, G. B. Lewis and J. W. Donald, Proceedings of the Conference on Rapid Solidification Processing, Reston, Virginia, 1977 (Claitor, Baton Rouge, 1978).
2. B. Cantor (ED), ?Rapidly Quenched Metals III? (Metals Society, London, 1978).
3. H. F. Cline and T. R. Anthony, J. Appl. Phys. 48 (1977) 3888.
4. H. W. Bergmann, H. U. Fritsch and G. Hunger, J. Mater. Sci. 16 (1981), to be published.
5. H. W. Bergmann and B. L. Mordike, Z. Metallkde. 71 (1980) 658.