1. Ackerman, N.L., Freer, C.E., Roy, D.M.: Noncomputable conditional distributions 26th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS), pp 107–116 (2011). See also: On the computability of conditional probability, arXiv:
2. Bauwens, B.: Conditional measure and the violation of van Lambalgen’s theorem for Martin-Löf randomness. arXiv:
3. Bienvenu, L., Gács, P., Hoyrup, M., Rojas, C., Shen, A.: Algorithmic tests and randomness with respect to a class of measures Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, vol. 274, pp 34–89 (2011). doi:
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4. Kjos-Hannsen, B.: The probability distribution as a computational resource for randomness testing. J Log Anal 2(1), 1–13 (2010). doi:
. See also arXiv:
5. de Leeuw, K., Moore, E.F., Shannon, C.E., Shapiro, N.: Computability by probabilistic machines. Automata studies, edited by C.E. Shannon and J. McCarthy, Annals of Mathematics studies no. 34, lithoprinted, pp 183–212. Princeton University Press, Princeton (1956)