Time-Bounded Kolmogorov Complexity and Solovay Functions


Hölzl Rupert,Kräling Thorsten,Merkle Wolfgang


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Computational Theory and Mathematics,Theoretical Computer Science

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1. Searching for shortest and least programs;Theoretical Computer Science;2020-02

2. CHAITIN’S Ω AS A CONTINUOUS FUNCTION;The Journal of Symbolic Logic;2019-09-09

3. Coding-theorem like behaviour and emergence of the universal distribution from resource-bounded algorithmic probability;International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems;2018-04-06

4. Lowness and logical depth;Theoretical Computer Science;2017-11

5. Solovay functions and their applications in algorithmic randomness;Journal of Computer and System Sciences;2015-12








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