1. G. Frege:Begriffsschrift, eine der arithmetischen nachgebildeten Formelsprache des reinen Denkens (1879); translated by T.W. Bynum in G. Frege:Conceptual and Related articles, (Oxford, 1972).
2. G. Frege:Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik, (Breslau, 1884); translated by J.L. Austin asThe Foundations of Arithmetic, Oxford, 1950.
3. G. Frege:Grundgesetze der Arithmetik, Band I (Jena, 1893) Band II (Jena, 1903). The introduction and part of vol. I, trnaslated by M. Furth asThe Basic Laws of Arithmetic (Berkley, 1964); sections of vol. II and the appendix are trnaslated in G&B.
4. G. Frege:Nachgelassene Schrifften (Hamburg, 1969); translated by P. Long and R. White asPosthumous Writings (Oxford, 1979).
5. G. Frege:Philosophical and Mathematical Correspondance, arridged by B. McGuiness and translated by H. Kaal (Oxford, 1980).