1. We consider two-body decays only. (One exception, namely the 3π decay of vector meson isosinglets is discussed in footnote (19)).
2. For the 1−, 3/2+, 3/2− and 5/2+ cases, seeS. Glashow andA. Rosenfeld:Phys. Rev. Lett.,10, 192 (1963); andM. Gourdin:Erg. Exakt. Natur.,36, 1 (1964).
3. For the 2+ case seeS. L. Glashow andR. H. Socolow:Phys. Rev. Lett.,15, 329 (1965).
4. For vector mesons seeS. Okubo:Phys. Lett.,5, 165 (1963);J. J. Sakurai:Phys. Rev. Lett.,9, 472 (1962);M. Gell-Mann, D. Sharp andW. G. Wagner:Phys. Rev. Lett.,8, 261 (1962).
5. One can of course consider potential meson supermultiplets as well. For example the set {B (1220), C° (1225), D (1280) and E (1415)} is a candidate for 1+ nonet status, and can be so accomodated provided D, E mixing is assumed. However, there are serious questions as to the nature of the B and C mass peaks. This, together with the fact that the decay modes are only very crudely known, makes any analysis highly problematical at the present time.