Neural Architecture Search for Dense Prediction Tasks in Computer Vision


Mohan Rohit,Elsken Thomas,Zela Arber,Metzen Jan Hendrik,Staffler Benedikt,Brox Thomas,Valada Abhinav,Hutter Frank


AbstractThe success of deep learning in recent years has lead to a rising demand for neural network architecture engineering. As a consequence, neural architecture search (NAS), which aims at automatically designing neural network architectures in a data-driven manner rather than manually, has evolved as a popular field of research. With the advent of weight sharing strategies across architectures, NAS has become applicable to a much wider range of problems. In particular, there are now many publications for dense prediction tasks in computer vision that require pixel-level predictions, such as semantic segmentation or object detection. These tasks come with novel challenges, such as higher memory footprints due to high-resolution data, learning multi-scale representations, longer training times, and more complex and larger neural architectures. In this manuscript, we provide an overview of NAS for dense prediction tasks by elaborating on these novel challenges and surveying ways to address them to ease future research and application of existing methods to novel problems.


Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Artificial Intelligence,Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,Software

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