1. R C Bose, Mathematical theory of the symmetrical factorial design,Sankhya, 8, pp. 107–166, 1947.
2. R C Bose, On some connections between the Design of Experiments and Information Theory,Bulletin of International Statistical Institute, 38, pp. 257–271, 1961.
3. R C Bose and K Kishen, On the problem of confounding in general symmetrical factorial design,Sankhya, 5, pp. 21–36, 1940.
4. R C Bose, Autobiography of a mathematical statistician,The Making of Statisticians, ed. J Gani, SpringerVerlag, New York, 1982.
5. R C Bose, and J N Srivastava, On a bound useful in the theory of factorial designs and error correcting codes.Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 35, pp. 408–414, 1964.