1. G. Berry, P.L. Curien, “Sequential algorithms on concrete data structures,” to appear in TCS.
2. T. Fogh, “En semantik for synkroniserede parallelle processer,” Master's Thesis, Aarhus University, 1981.
3. C.A.R. Hoare, “A Model for Communicating Sequential Processes,” Programming Research Group, Oxford University, 1978.
4. G. Kahn, G. Plotkin, “Structures de Données concrètes,” IRIA-Laboria Report 336, 1978.
5. P.E. Lauer, P.R. Torrigiani, M.W. Shields, “COSY: A System Specification Language based on Paths and Processes,” Acta Informatica 12, 1979.