1. Schuster, M. M., Hendrix, T. R., andMendeloff, A. I. The internal anal sphincter response: Manometric studies on its normal physiology, neural pathways, and alteration in bowel disorders.J. Clin. Invest. 42:196, 1963.
2. Siegel, C. I., andHendrix, T. R. Evidence for the central mediation of secondary peristalsis in the esophagus.Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 108:297, 1961.
3. Schuster, M. M., Hookman, P., Hendrix, T. R., andMendeloff, A. I. Simultaneous manometric recording of internal and external anal sphincteric reflexes.Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 116:79, 1965.
4. Schuster, M. M., Hookman, P., Hendrix, T. R., andMendeloff, A. I. Selective impairment of anal sphincters in collagen vascular disease. Presented at American Gastroenterological Association, Dallas, Apr. 25, 1964.
5. Schuster, M. M., Tow, D. E., andSherbourne, D. H. Anal sphincter abnormalities characteristic of myotonic dystrophy.Gastroenterology 49:641, 1965.