1. M. F. Vasil'ev, Proceedings of the I. P. Pavlov Physiology Laboratory [in Russian] (Moscow-Leningrad, 1948) Vol. 14, p. 83.
2. A. A. Danilov, Collection: New Data on the Physiology of the Hypophysis [in Russian] (Moscow-Leningrad, 1941) p. 162.
3. O. S. Krivosheev, Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Psychiatric Research Institute [in Russian] (Moscow, 1956) p. 129.
4. O. A. Krylov, Zhur. Vysshei Nerv. Deyat.8, 3, 358 (1958).
5. F. I. Rivosh, Vestnik Rentgenol. i Radiol.20, 83 (1938).