1. N. V. Bogoyavlenskaya. Role of the Nervous System in the Regulation of the Prothrombin. Thrombotropin, and Heparin Levels of the Blood, In Russian. Thesis, Moscow, 1955.
2. L. V. Krushinsky, L. P. Pushkarskaya and L. N. Molodkina, Vestnik Mosk. Univ., 12, 25–44, 1953
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4. L. V. Krushinsky, and L. P. Dobrokhotova, Byull. Eksptl. Biol. i Med., 44, NO. 8, 1957. Original pagination. See C. B. Translation.
5. B. A. Kufryashov, P. D. Ulitina and A. A. Pugacheva, Byull. Ekspti. Biol. i Med., 11, No. 2, 99–101, 1941.