Effect of COVID-19 pandemic on municipal solid waste generation: a case study in Granada city (Spain)


Peula Francisco J.,Martín-Lara María Ángeles,Calero Mónica


AbstractThe 2020 coronavirus pandemic has involved a series of political and social measures that have been adapted to the spread of the disease. Apart from the severe effects on health sector, the most effects of the pandemic have been felt in households and day-to-day life. Consequently, COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the generation of not only medical and health care waste but also of municipal solid waste production and composition. In this context, this work studied the implications of COVID-19 for municipal solid waste generation in Granada, Spain. Granada is a city where the economy is based mainly on the services sector, tourism and the University. Therefore, the impact of COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected the city and it can be analyzed through the municipal solid waste generation. For the study of the incidence of COVID-19 in the generation of waste a period that goes from March 2019 to February 2021 has been chosen. The results show that, in the global calculation, a decrease in the generation of waste in the city is observed in this last year, reaching − 13.8%. Regarding the organic-rest fraction, the decrease in the COVID year represents − 11.7%. However, bulky waste has shown an increase in the COVID year which may be related to higher home furnishings renovation rates than in other years. Finally, glass is the waste flow that best indicates the effect of COVID in the service sector. In leisure areas, a significant reduction in the collection of glass is observed (− 45%).


Universidad de Granada


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Mechanics of Materials,Waste Management and Disposal

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