1. Evans Marketing Services, “Linux Developers Survey”, Volume 1, March 2000. This provides a number of interesting statistics on the current practices of open-source developers.
2. Eric Raymond, “The Cathedral and the Bazaar: Musings on Linux and Open Source by an Accidental Revolutionary”, O’Reilly Press, 2000. Raymond positions open-source as a logical evolution of previous development practices. In particular, argues that there is a strong sense of control, ownership, and process that is common to open-source projects.
3. Chris DiBona et al. (eds.), “Open Sources: Voices from The Open Source Revolution”, O’ Reilly Press, 1999. A selection of papers from the most prominent people in the open-source movement.
4. Paul Everitt, “How We Reached the Open Source Business Decision”, Zope, http://www.zope.com/Members/paul/BusinessDecision , 1999. An enlightening case study on the business decision to go open-source, driven by the need to create a platform for web development.
5. David Brauer, “Toyota to save $3M a year with the help of Linux”, Enterprise Linux Today, http://eltoday.com , October 24, 2000. The reason that Toyota chose Linux and Apache to connect their 1200 dealerships. Focuses on the small footprint, connectivity, and the deal between Redhat and Gateway to produce Linux boxes.